Biology and Geology.Teoría, actividades y prácticas de laboratorio. 1º ESO Programa SELE . María del Mar Vera Sánchez
Contents and activities
UNIT 3. The geosphere


Places where minerals and rocks are extracted are called mines. There are two types of mines: underground mines and above ground mines. Mining causes an environmental impact and there are different measures to manage it:

  • Preventive measures: they try to avoid the damage (e.g. rating and storing sludge)
  • Mitigation measures: they try to reduce the damage (e.g. controlling noise emission)
  • Corrective measures: they try to restore the land (e.g. replacing topsoil).

video YouTube: EL PAÍS "Bahía de Portmán: Condenada a la suciedad" (till 35'').

video YouTube: RTVE "¿Te acuerdas? - Historia de un desastre".

video YouTube: El País "20 años del desastre de Aznalcóllar | España"

Región de Murcia