Biology and Geology.Teoría, actividades y prácticas de laboratorio. 1º ESO Programa SELE . María del Mar Vera Sánchez
Contents and activities
UNIT 9. Adaptations

video FuseSchool - Global Education:
"What Is Adaptation? Ecology and Environment Biology"

video FuseSchool - Global Education:
"Adaptations Of Camels Ecology and Environment Biology"

video FuseSchool - Global Education:
"Adaptations Of Predators And Prey Ecology and Environment Biology"

video FuseSchool - Global Education:
"Adaptations Of Plants and Extremophiles Ecology and Environment Biology"

An ADAPTATION is a characteristic which helps an organism to survive in its environment. These adaptations are determined by different environmental factors depending on the type of ecosystem:

  • The most important adaptations to the terrestrial environment are to light, temperature and humidity.
  • . The most important adaptations to the aquatic environment are to light, dissolved O2, salt concentration, density and pressure.

Look through the gallery below and notice the adaptations:

imagen_48 A dromedary camel with its very long eyelashes, and nostrils that can open and close. imagen_49 A giraffe reaching leaves way up in the tree.
imagen_48 The fennec fox's long ears. imagen_49 Black circles around a meerkat's eyes.
imagen_48 A jackrabbit's long ears and powerful hind legs that help it move very quickly. imagen_49 A lioness's sandy-coloured fur and long, rough tongue.
imagen_48 Emperor penguins huddling together to keep warm. imagen_49 A stingray that's buried itself in the ocean floor.
imagen_48 This wood frog's skin looks a lot like the branch it's sitting on. imagen_49 Clownfish in anemone tentacles.
imagen_48 A porcupine and its quills. imagen_49 A sea urchin's spiky shell.
imagen_48 You can barely see the snowy owl in the snow. and behind all its feathers. imagen_49 A tapir swimming with its long nose held up out of the water.
imagen_48 This cactus displays several desert adaptations: it has spines rather than leaves and it stores water in its stem. imagen_49 Drip-tips on leaves help shed excess water.
imagen_48 Soft stems enable prairie grasses to bend in the wind. Narrow leaves minimize water loss. imagen_49 Broad leaves can capture a lot of sunlight for a tree.

Región de Murcia